Saturday, August 31, 2019

Elements Of Property Offences In UK Essay

INTRODUCTION In most societies today, property offences have become prevalent in most courts of law. There have been cases of property offences here and there in most countries of the world. United Kingdom is not exceptional when it comes to the issue of property offences; therefore, in this seminar presentation a succinct or close examination of property offences in the United Kingdom shall be the focus of our discussion. This will prepare the young and potential layers in colleges for their impending mock law examination. Thus, this paper is a pathway to success in the area of criminal law, as it will broaden the horizon of students stressing in criminal law, particularly in the area property offences. AN OVERVIEW OF PROPERTY OFFENCES   Ã‚   There are wide varieties or kinds of property offences under both the common law and the statue law as initiated by the parliament. Understanding of what is term common law becomes imperative here; the common law is the law which has been built up by judges making decisions over centuries. We refer to the judges’ law as â€Å"precedents†, which it is offer called in most courts today. Like the case above, understanding of property offences; the main statue law passed by the parliament of New South Wales which deals with property offences is the crimes Act 1900, which has been amended by the parliament many times since it was enacted. Property offences thus involve extremely complicated relationships between the property itself, whose property it is and whether or not it is in someone’s possession, and what relationship or understanding there is between the accused and the victim about the property. It is therefore very important to take cursory examination of the various issues that can arise from property offences. This will provide enough insight and information to a better understanding of property offences. The most common offences are larceny, receiving and malicious damage, which shall be treated below. It is an offence under the Crime Act of 1900 in New South Wales to commit larceny. Thus the maximum penalty for such given by the statute is 5 years goal. The meaning or elements of the offence of larceny are governed by the common law, or judge-made law, which have built up over the years with judicial decisions. The elements of the offence of larceny are well established and have been summarized thus. A person must without the consent of the owner, fraudulently and without claim of right made in good faith, take and carry away, anything capable of being stolen, with intent at the time of such taking permanently to deprive the owner of that property. As shown here, each of these elements contain facts which would have to be proven beyond reasonable doubts by the prosecution for the offence to be proved in court. A typical example is that if a person walks into a shop and takes a bag of rice from and walks out intending to keep the bag of rice for himself or herself, and without any permission or right to do so, that person is guilty of larceny. Shop lifting is the most common form of larceny. However, if the facts are charged straightly, the prosecution cannot succeed. This means that if the person who took the bag of rice does not intend to permanently deprive the owner of the rice, then he does not commit larceny. If the bag of rice actually becomes to the person because he or she paid for it in the shop earlier that day and left it in the shop to be collected later, then there is no case of larceny because the person a claim of right and ownership. The variations on the facts are many and every case is haled depending on its own facts in the law court. ACTUS REUS AND MENS REA The actus reus-sometimes called the external element of a crime is a Latin term for the guilty act which, when proved beyond reasonable doubt in combination with the mens rea, i.e. the â€Å"guilty mind† produces criminal liability in common law-based on criminal law jurisdiction of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England, Scotland, and the United States. According to Allen, Michael â€Å"In criminal law, mens rea—the Latin term for â€Å"guilty mind† is usually one of the necessary elements of crime. The standards common law test of criminal liability is usually expressed in Latin phrase; actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, which means that the act does not make a person guilty unless the mind is also guilty†. Thus in jurisdictions with due process, there must be an actus reus accompanied by some level of mens rea to constitute the crime with which the defendant is charged. In this sense, mens rea refers to the mental element of the offence that accompanied the actus reus. In some jurisdictions, the terms mens rea and actus reus have been superseded by alternative terminology. However, there are four general classes of mens rea which its words may vary from one state to another. These include (1) intention (2) knowledge (3) Recklessness (4) negligence. A GENERAL INTRODUCTION INTO THEFT BY THEFT ACT 1968, ROBBERY – S. 8(1) The Act 1960 (1968c. 60) is an act of the parliament of the United Kingdom, governing most of the general property offences in English law. On 15 January 2007, the Fraud Act 2006 came into force, repeating most of the offences f deception. Historically, the Theft Act 1960 resulted from the efforts of the Criminal Law Revision committee to reform the English law of Theft. The Larceny Act 1916 had codified the common law, including Larceny itself, but it remained a complex web of offences. The intention of the Theft Act 1968, was to replace the existing law of larceny and other deception related offences, by single enactment, creating a more coherent body of principles that would allow the law to evolve to meet a new salvations. The Act was assented to on July 26th, 1968. To understand Theft by Theft Act, the basic definition of theft itself becomes imperative. THEFT; DEFINITION In the criminal Law, theft (also known as stealing) is â€Å"the illegal taking of another persons property without that person’s freely-give consent. As a term, it is used as shorthand for all major crimes against property, encompassing offences such as burglary, embezzlement, larceny, looting, robbery, mugging, trespassing, shop lifting, intrusion, fraud (theft by deception) and sometimes criminal conversion†. Theft is offer considered to be synonymous with larceny. In this work, theft has replaced larceny. Therefore, someone who carries out an act o for makes career of theft known as a thief. Therefore, a person shall be guilty of theft if he dishonestly appropriate, property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it. DETAILS OF THEFT TO THEFT ACT – 1968 THEFT ACT 1968, AGGRAVATED BURGLARY. ROBBERY = P. A person is guilty of robbery if he steals, and immediately before or at the time of doing so, and in order to do so, he uses force on any person or puts or seeks to put any person in fear of being there and there subjected to force. This means in a clear and simple term that the victim of such robbery is subjected to either physical or mental torture. This is a strategy employ by the robber to accompany his / her mission. In this case, a typical example is relevant. Take for instance, Mr. Johnson and Alfred entered a hotel with a gun and shot to the air to intimidate the customers and the workers, collected monies and other valuables from them, on their way out of the hotel, they were caught by the alerted patrol team of the police, in this situation Alfred and Mr. Johnson are guilty of robbery. A person guilty of robbery or of an assaults with intent to rob, shall on conviction on indictment be liable to imprisonment for life. This should be the case of Alfred and Mr. Johnson exemplified above. BURGLARY A person is guilty of burglary if: He enters any building or part of a building as a trespasser, he steals or attempts to steal anything in the building or that part of tit or inflicts or attempts to inflict on any person therein any grievous bodily harm. The offences referred to in sub-section 1(a) above are offences of stealing anything in the building or part of a building in question, of inflicting on any person therein any grievous bodily harm or (raping any person therein, and of doing unlawful damage to the building or anything therein. iii.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A person guilty of burglary shall be on conviction on indictment be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding; Where the offence was committed in respect of a building or part of a building which is a dwelling fourteen years; In any other case, ten years. References in subsections (1) and (2) above to a building, and the reference in subsection (3) above to a building which is a dwelling, shall apply also to an inhabited vehicle or vessel, and shall apply to any such vehicle or vessel at times when the person having a habitation in it is not there as well as at times when he is. A good example of a person who seems to be guilty of burglary is established thus; Mr. Ali broke into Mr. John’s room, while he is away in Germany, on leaving, the security caught him, and dragged him to the court; John Mr. Ali’s action, he is guilty of burglary and is liable to face the charges and all the penalties. OBTAINING PROPERTY BY DECEPTION. S. 15    Any property acquire without the consent of the own through any form of dubious means is said to be a crime. Take for instance, it a vehicle is taken with the consent of the owner, it is said to be legal, however when consent if ignored, it is then said to be deception. Another good example is when one put up a force identity to hire a car. This overlaps with the 15 offences of obtaining property or services by deception. Taking by force may be robbery when defendant did not intend the victim to recover the car at all or so seriously damaged that it amounts to theft. It the evidence is insufficient for theft, the alternative charges are aggravated vehicle taking or blackmailing under S21. â€Å"Note that S12 (7) protects the interest of people hiring or buying under a hire purchase agreement deeming them to be the owner for the purposes of S12†. http.//en/ without the consent of the owner. AVERSION OF LIABILITY BY DECEPTION UNDER S.2 – D THEFT ACT 1979 Forgery is the process of making or adapting objects or documents 9see false document), with the intent to deceive. The similar crime of fraud is the crime of deceiving another including through the use of objects obtaining through forgery. Copies, studios replies, and reproductions are not considered forgeries, though they may later become forgeries through knowing and willful misattributions. In the 16th century imitators of Albrecht Durer’s style of print making improved the market for their own prints by signing them â€Å"AD†, making them forgeries. In the 20th century the art market made forgeries highly profitable. There are widespread forgeries of especially valued artists, such as drawings meant to be by Picasso, Nee, and matisse. This usage of â€Å"forgery† does not derive from metal work done at â€Å"forge†, but it has a parallel history. A sense of â€Å"to counterfeit† is already in the Anglo-French verb forger â€Å"falsify†. Forgery is one of the techniques of fraud, including identity theft. Forgery is one of the threats that have to be addressed by security engineering. A forgery is essentially concerned with a produced or altered object. Where the prime concern of forgery is less focused on the object itself – what it is worth or what it proves† – than on a tacit statement of criticism that is revealed by reactions the object provokes in others, then the larger process is a hoax. In a hoax, a rumor or a genuine object â€Å"planted† in a concocted situation, may substitute for a gorged physical object. OBTAINING A MONEY TRANSFER THROUGH DECEPTION Obtaining a money transfer by deception (1) alter section 15 of the (1968 c. 60) theft Act 1968 insert – â€Å"is a obtaining a money transfer by deception A person is guilty of an offence if by any deception he dishonestly obtains a money transfer for himself or another. A money transfer occurs when – a debit is made to one account a credit is made to another account the credit results from debit results from the credit References to a credit and to a debit are to a credit of an amount of money and to a debit of an amount of money. It is immaterial (in particular) – whether the amount credited is the same as the amount debited whether the money transfer is effected on presentment of cheque or by another method whether any delay occurs in the process by which the money transfer effected. Whether any intermediate credits or debits are made in the course of the money transfer. Whether either of the accounts is overdrawn before or after the money transfer is affect. A person guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable in conviction on indictment to imprisonment for a term not exceeding tem years. 15 B section 15A: supplementary (1) the following provisions have effect for the interpretation of section 15A of this Act. â€Å"Deception† has the same meaning as in section 15 of this Act. â€Å"Account means an account kept with – a bank or a person carrying on a business which falls within subsection (4) below A business falls within subsection if – in the curse of the business money received by way of deposit is lent to others; or any other activity of the business is financed wholly or to any material extent, out of the capital of r the interest on money received by way of deposit. For the purpose of subsection (4) above – all the activities which a person carries on by way of business shall be regarded as a single business carried on by him; and â€Å"money† includes money expressed in a currency other then sterling in the European currency unit (as defined in council regulation N. 3320/94/EC or any community instrument replacing it†. Nothing in this section has effect in relation to anything done before the day on which this act is passed. Dishonesty retaining a wrongful credit (1) after section 24 of the theft Act 1968 insert – 24 a dishonestly retaining a wrongful credit (1) A person is guilty of an offence if – a wrongful credit has been made to an account kept by him or in respect of which he has any right or interest. He knows or believes that the credit is wrongful; and he dishonestly fails to take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to secure that the credit is cancelled. References to a credit are to a credit of an amount of money. A credit to an account is also wrongful if it is the credit side of money transfer obtained contrary to section 15A of this Act; The few sited examples should do as they have clearly established the meaning of deception in the case of money transfer. Conclusively thus, this piece of work is a pathway to a great success in the area of criminal law in relation to students who are preparing for their mock examination. In this regards, the student of criminal law, at the end this seminar paper presentation will be sure that they won’t be ridiculed by any kind of question that might likely confront them. Thus, this paper is a total and holistic review of Theft by Theft Act of 1968 under the U.K criminal law. The paper thus is an eye opener to the students as many thing, would become quite clear to them. REFERENCES Allen Michael (2005) Criminal Law. Oxford. Oxford University Press. // without the content of the owner.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Marketing and Oligopoly Market

Definition of oligopoly Oligopoly market structure is a market with few seller but large in size and their produce branded product whereby advertising is a very crucial element within the oligopoly market. Thus in the oligopoly market structure the competition between a firm with another firm is very high because they are only a few seller in the market and the price is very stable. 2. 0Characteristic of oligopoly market structure: 2. 1 Difficult to entry Oligopoly market a very difficult to enter because they also need a huge amount of capital and the expenses is very expensive.Apart from that they using a high technology in their product. Example of oligopoly market such as airlines, automobile, steel industry and oil industry. 2. 2 Similar or differentiate product In the oligopoly market sometimes they sell similar product such as oil from Saudi Arabia is the same oil in Malaysia and Thailand. For the differentiate product such as automobiles, steel industry, gas, and cell phone. 2. 3 Few seller and large in size Oligopoly market have few seller but they are very big in the economic scale because in their production they produce they product in mass production.Firm that operates in the oligopoly structure can affect the market price the example of this characteristic such as airlines, tobacco, and steel industry. 2. 4 Mutual interdependence These oligopoly market are very easily affected by the action of the other firm this means the action of the other firm will give effect to other firm because they are only a few seller thus the competition is very high. For example if one firm reduces they price the other firm will also have to follow the other firm in reducing they price.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Association Football and Davies Middle School Essay

For me to be a member of the National Juniors Honors Society would be an amazing privilege. I believe I should be accepted because I am dedicated and passionate about my activities inside and outside of school. Also I will bring strong leadership as well as teamwork skills to NJHS. I am always looking for new ways to help people even in the smallest of things. Lastly, I have received many recognition awards and commendations. I think these qualities will make me an excellent member of the National Junior Honor Society here at William Davies Middle School. One of my biggest passions is my soccer team, the Hamilton Shock. I have been playing soccer for a little over a year and a half and I love it. We work together not only as a team but like a family through our losses and wins. All we have done is improve. They have helped me become a better soccer player and we have become an excellent team with my optimism and teamwork. Another activity that I am involved with in school is S. W. A. T or Students Working to Advance Technology. We work together to come up with new ways to inform our student body about the events going on at Davies. We are always helping each other with new ideas like our Davies â€Å"App† that we are currently working on. In the end our projects always come together. My biggest community activity is for Special Olympics of New Jersey. My family and I attend many of the events for SONJ including the Summer Games. I started volunteering by working and playing with the athletes. The area we staffed was where the athletes came to take a break and play with carnival-like games. The ages ranged from little kids to adults. It was fun putting smiles on their faces when you told them they won! It showed me we aren’t any different than them. They still like to do sports and have fun. They love to win prizes as do we. They just have disabilities that make them special. Over all volunteering for SONJ is a fantastic experience and in my opinion every boy and girl should do it one day. I am always looking for ways to help out around school. My interest started in 4th grade with my teacher Mrs. Giordano. I would stay inside for recess and help prepare the classroom for the next lesson. Then in 5th grade I would skip recess some days and go to the library to help. As a Library Helper, I would check books in and out and restock the shelves. Most recently this year, I sold bracelets for the Hurricane Sandy Relief during my lunch period. Some of these examples show I am willing to give up my time to help others. Although I am young I have already been recognized for my outstanding performance in school. For instance, in 5th grade, I was chosen by my principal, Mrs. Jennifer Baldwin, as the most outstanding student in the George L. Hess Elementary School for that year. I was awarded The Bassetti Award and received Phillies tickets for my outstanding grades and overall performance in school. I have continued this effort here at Davies. With my good grades I have been on the Superintendent’s list for five quarters. Lastly, I have also acquired several Praise Referrals. Although I am most proud of two that I got last year. These referrals were for helping one of the students in my language arts class that needed a little extra guidance sometimes. I could tell she got frustrated and confused easily. I would try my best every time to help her. Some of the other kids thought she was weird or strange. I didn’t mind her behaviors because she was one of my friends. When I was given these awards I didn’t understand what I was being rewarded for because I wasn’t doing anything extra. I was just doing what I normally would do, try to do my best and help those around me. In final consideration, this shows that I have been successful so far but I believe I will go on to do even bigger and better things and I hope NJHS can help me do that. I have ideas of improving our school and town such as a Special Olympics volunteering program. I would also like to show other students how they can help and improve our school. I think my best years at Davies are ahead and they can only be better with my involvement in the National Junior Honors Society.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Documentary Credit Transaction Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Documentary Credit Transaction - Case Study Example As there is a risk of non payment by the importer, sellers can enter into an agreement with the importer's bank through a letter of credit ( lc).When there is a "documentary credit clause" in the agreement between the buyer and the seller, a letter of credit is issued by the buyer and the bank makes the payment to the seller.An lc is issued by the customer's bank naming the seller as the beneficiary, and as soon as the conditions mentioned in the lc are met by the seller, the payment is made by the bank. A bank in the country of the buyer issues the LC and is referred to as the Issuing Bank. A bank that advises the LC to the Seller is called the Advising Bank and is generally in the country of the Seller. While lcs are a safe, speedy and convenient method of payment for exporters, there might be a few pitfalls that the seller might have to consider before signing the contract.The risk shifts from the actual buyer to the bank.Since presentation of documents to the bank within the stripulated time frame is the only criteria for payment, the buyer runs the risk of not getting the goods in good condition, while the payment would already have been made through the issuing bank. A seller might run the risk of not being able to present the LC before the stipulated date. There could be delays in delivery and the LC migth expire before the issuing bank gets a confirmation from the buyer about the proper delivery of goods.A signature from the buyer's side migth also be required to honour the LC, but it might not be possible to obtain it before the expiry of the LC.The document itself might have some discrepencies which could render the document invalid, thus putting the exporter to risk of non payment for his goods. References 1. GERTRUDE NIMAKO BOATENG, ONUG, Documentary Credit Transactions : A Case Of Double Standards, accessed on 01-03-09. 2.EPASS International, Documentary Credit Transactions , accessed on 01-03-09. 3. , Letter of Credit, accessed on 01-03-09 Major Journals: - Journal of World Trade - Journal of International Economic Law - Journal of Business Law 4.Websites of Interest Name of Organization Web Site Address International Organizations United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) World Trade Organization (WTO) Int'l Trade Center (ITC) (UNCTAD/WTO) Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) Commission for Labor Cooperation (CLC) Int'l Court of Justice (ICJ) Int'l Monetary Fund (IMF) MERCOSUR Org. for Econ. Cooperation and Dev. (OECD)

Identify the major trends that have influenced world trade and global Research Paper

Identify the major trends that have influenced world trade and global marketing - Research Paper Example International or global businesses are established on the basis of a global marketing strategy that takes product development suitable for global markets into consideration (Joshi, 2009). World trade and global marketing are affected because of environmental, cultural, ethical and social trends. Environmental trends are the most crucial in understanding global marketing and world trade. The marketers have to be well equipped with technological, economical and social developments of a society in order to establish globally (Kerin, Hartley and Rudelius, 2009). By understanding the environmental factors of a society, to design a marketing strategy on global basis is much more easier. According to Kerin, Hartley and Rudelius (2009), demographic characteristics of a country’s population, technological developments and innovations, monetary conditions and economical growth and competitive environment of a country all influence world trade and global marketing. Demographic traits of a society include the gender differences that exist between individuals, cultural values, ethnic diversities and buying capacity of customers (Kerin, Hartley and Rudelius, 2009). For expansion of a business on a global level, environmental trends should be identified explicitly. Culture plays a major role in structuring a society due to which any global firm or organization cannot work in a global set up without understanding culture and its values in a society. According to Marieke K de Mooij and Marieke de Mooij (2009), it is culture due to which, people can know about a community, its individual and its social organizations. Therefore, to know about various kinds of cultures of different societies is essential for global marketing and world trade. Religion, language, literature, education, arts and architectures all inform about culture of a society (de Mooij and de Mooij, 2009). Culture is highly influential for global marketing. The marketing strategy should be

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Fitting into society is not the easy way Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fitting into society is not the easy way - Essay Example At first, I found it difficult and impossible to adjust there as I was very weak in English. The condition of my written and spoken English may be compared to the situation of mother’s English in Amy Tan’s novel. As Amy describes it â€Å"I can think of no way to describe it other than â€Å"broken,† as if it were damaged and needed to be fixed, as if it lacked a certain wholeness and soundness† (62). I used to get irritated and annoyed while communicating to friends, teachers and other associates. The difference of language and accent made me feel low and helpless. My social circle was shortened to an extent that I felt isolated and lonely. This was the worst effect of moving from my native land to a new state. In China, we used to live and work in groups. Our decisions were based on the suggestions and perceptions of others. However, the American culture emphasizes on individuality and personal decision making. I found it really difficult to choose everything from the choice of my clothes to the academic field which I had to opt. In addition to this, the Chinese culture places more emphasis on the respect and acting upon on elders advices. I used to respect them and our communication ways with elders was more respectful and loving with children. However, in America, I experienced a major flaw in the society. Youngsters do not tend to give that level of respect and importance to elders which I was habitual of. I expected the same respect from the youngsters and loving attitude from the elders. However, this misconception ended as I experienced certain events and faced behaviors of American people in the park. I went out to the park with my college friends. It was a wonderful day. Everyone was enjoying and we were cracking jokes, listening to music and having fun. The first thing that irritated me was the song choice which differed greatly. But since most of the Americans

Monday, August 26, 2019

Customer equity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Customer equity - Essay Example Value equity is the customer's objective assessment of the utility of an offering based on perceptions of its benefits relative to its cost. The sub drivers of value equity are quality, price and convenience. Brand equity is the customer's subject time and intangible assessment of the brand, beyond its objectively perceived value. The sub drivers of brand equity are customer brand awareness, customer attitude towards the brand and customer perception of brand ethics. Relationship equity is the customer's tendency to stick with the brand, beyond objective and subjective assessment of its worth. Sub drivers include loyalty programs, special recognition and treatment programs, community building programs and knowledge building programs. In the present relationship-marketing situation, most of the companies using technology such as E-mail, websites, call centers, databases and database software are helping to foster continuous contact between company and customers. Companies that want to develop strong customer relationships generally add financial benefits, social benefits and structural ties to its product. In providing financial benefits, companies provide customer the frequency rewards and club marketing. Today, most supermarket champions including Sainsbury offer price club cards and provide member customer with discounts. Many companies have created club membership programs to strengthen relationship with customers. Open clubs are good for building a database or snagging customers from competitors, limited membership clubs are more powerful long-term loyalty builders. Companies' personnel work on increasing social bonds with customers by individualizing and personalizing customer relationships. Customer relationship is more or less of the view that customer must maximize his or her relationship with the company through up selling and at the same time, enhancing profitability by identifying, attracting and retaining the best customers. Through better relations hip and customer's information, customer time could be saved. Putting better customer relationship requires developing a set of integrated applications to address all aspects of front office needs including automation of customer services, field service, sales and marketing. The main aim of better customer relationship includes acquiring, enhancing and retaining the customer. Sainsbury has done this quite successfully. To acquire and retain the customer and to develop a long-term relationship Sainsbury is providing healthy, safe, fresh and tasty food as well as at fair prices. Sainsbury's price competitiveness is currently the best. It has been for many years following the investment of more than 450 million pound over the last three years. Around 15,000 prices are checked every week to make sure its competitive position has been maintained. In August 2007, Sainsbury has launched. "Different values" campaign to provide its customer, the products of higher quality specifications and great values. In March 2003, Sainsbury launches "Feed your family for a fiver" campaign to reach out and maintain a long-term relationship with its customers through providing affordable, healthy and nutritious meals for a family of four could be prepared with the budget of 5 pound. Sainsbury's values are not just for food items but available for non-food

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Supply chain management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Supply chain management - Essay Example In this regard, the essay helps in developing a better understanding of the various concepts related with the SCM and lean manufacturing through the effective analysis of the advantages as well as disadvantages related with the system. The current issue that are identifiable within the business is to enhance the efficiency of SCM that is operating within an organization. Organisations operating in the present domain are having different set of SCM processes and needs to be handled in a separate manner to enhance the ability of the same. The issues arising from operations of SCM is even different based on the varied organisational perspective. Some common issues faced within the domain of SCM are identified within the operational area of an organization. The major issues identifiable within an organisation are mostly in the operational areas related with the configuration of distribution network, inventory control and outsourcing. The effective maintenance and handling of the different processes of production is noted to be affecting the needs of the business and further hindering the operations of an organisation (Womack, & Jones, 1994). Lean manufacturing process includes a series of steps that are involved with value creation for the customers, continuous improvement as well as eliminating waste among others. Lean SCM could effectively handle specific issues related with production as well as other operations within the domain of SCM. Through the effective management of the production, cycle lean would help in developing the SCM that is operating within the domain of organisational operations (Holweg, 2007). To enhance the efficiency of lean, it should focus on the waste management of over effective production to ensure a sustainable development for organizations practising lean manufacturing. An organization needs to maintain its level of consumers and ensure the timely production of goods this could be effectively handled by

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Business Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Innovation - Essay Example The companys goals and culture are embedded into the actual design and management of its facilities (Fitzgerald, 2001). For instance, the company’s buildings have large windows, warm colors and fabrics, open floor plans, recreation areas and fitness centers. This enables the company to connect indirectly with its employees while providing an environment that allows for a more productive and interactive workforce. The companys catch phrase too, Connecting People, is symbolic of the culture, which helps define the purpose of its physical facilities. Their culture encourages employee participation through open discussions and debates. Nokia’s culture promotes good communications, which is integrated into every day interaction with and between employees (Nokia, 2006). They have performance-management system, called Investing in People (IIP) involves discussions between employees and their managers, twice a year. They have flexible working hours, study leave and health-care services and recreational activities (HRM Digest). Another company having innovative culture is Procter & Gamble (P&G), America’s biggest maker of household products. There is a shift in P&G’s culture from a conservative, slow-moving, bureaucratic attitude to a modern, fast-moving, internet-savvy organization (CorporateWatch, 2006). They have introduced a new system of attracting the right talents in its fold with a view to make faster and better decisions, cut red tape, reduce costs of systems and procedure while setting more aggressive sales goals. Go, Give and Grow is a scheme that has struck chord with the youth. This scheme gives the graduates the opportunity to make their personal contribution to humanitarian projects before they start their career with P&G (HRMID, 2006). The new graduates selected for employment with P&G get a chance to work for 12 months in a developing country with the World Health Organization (WHO) or Unicef.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Impacts of Terrorism on Global Events Literature review

Impacts of Terrorism on Global Events - Literature review Example Management issues involved The increasing terror threats demand the stakeholders enforce pragmatic management measures of dealing with the vice. These include enforcing preventive strategies and mechanism for mitigating the ultimate outcomes of terrorism. This project focuses on the impacts of terrorism on global events. It informs the stakeholders of the extensive effects terrorism has had on the sector in the past. To address these effects, I have used the second method of collecting data of past terror attacks targeting global events. I have examined the effects of terror attacks in 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, the attacks at International cricket tournaments in Pakistan in addition to the impacts of September 11 attacks on the attendance of the FIFA World Cup. From the data collected, analyzed relevant themes pertinent to the study. (3c) Statement of the research question The impacts of terrorism on global events (3d) Aims and objective The aim of the study is to examine the eff ects of terrorism on global events. Objectives i. To examine the effects of terrorism on the motivation of tourists attending global events ii. To examine the effects of terrorism on attendance at global events. They were not only carried out in the territory of a global superpower but also by foreigners, who had previously gained entry into a sovereign state. The attack demonstrated the vulnerability of all countries to terrorism and the need to enforce preventive measures became apparent (Baxter and Downing, 2001). Since the attacks, immigration and movement of people across international borders are highly controlled and consequently, the organization of major global events such as sports and musical events was affected. (4a)The significance of hosting global events Events such as sports and music are increasingly becoming an important segment of tourism market (Yuan and McDonald, 1990). According to Bramwell (1998), countries across the world strive to organize global events in order to increase visitations in their countries, mitigate the seasonality of tourist visits and enhance the attractiveness of the destinations to tourism. In addition, organizing global event spurs development in the destination. The achievement of these goals depends on various factors but the numbers of people attending the events play a critical role (Sageman, 2004). Some of the major sports events that attract a high number of people globally include FIFA world cup, Olympic Games, UEFA champions league games, formula 1 racing among others. In addition, music and concerts featuring popular artists such as Live 8 attract numerous audiences across the globe. (4b) History of terror attacks on global events Due to the large number of people that global events attract, terrorists are increasingly targeting them (Toohey, et al 2003).

Thursday, August 22, 2019

On Site Wellness Programs in Corporate America Essay Example for Free

On Site Wellness Programs in Corporate America Essay On site wellness programs are now focal points in major corporate organizations in America, as company managers attempt to improve the health and well being of their employees, in order to control health care costs. Some health conditions can be diagnosed early by building health awareness among employees, and carrying out screening campaigns. Early diagnosis also ensures that health problems are treated on time, to decrease the risk of complications arising, thus reducing overall health care costs, and improving or maintaining employees’ optimal health status, and work performance. In the early 1990s, managed care plans were implemented, which helped in the control of increasing health care costs. Organizations continued throughout the 1990s to upgrade their health care plans, in an effort to further reduce health care costs. As we entered the beginning of the millennium, it became increasingly difficult for these modifications to contain the continuous rise in health care costs. It became clear that it was necessary have additional measures in place. Wellness in a corporate environment begins with a conscious decision to shape employees’ habits to fit into a healthy lifestyle. This conscious effort is a much better alternative in the long run, than dependency on drugs and doctors. This encompasses employee education, fitness, adequate and proper nutrition, stress reduction and mental health. Most times, employees in a corporate organization are plagued by Poor exercise habits, High stress levels, High cholesterol, Former or current use of tobacco products, and extreme weight (either too high or too low body weight). Employees whose lifestyles include health risks like smoking, drinking, and who get little or no exercise become overweight at a rate that is 75% higher than those of employees who participate in wellness programs and activities. High-risk employees at this Grand Rapids, Michigan-furniture manufacturing company who improved their health habits through the company’s health promotion program and became low risk cut their average medical claims in half thus lowering their medical insurance costs by an average of $618 per year. If all high-risk employees (20% of the total employee population) in one location changed their lifestyles to become low risk, the projected savings could total $20 million over three years. The Steelcase study that correlated health risk and lifestyle assessments with medical claim costs showed that employees who were high risk in 1985 but had shifted to a low risk profile by 1998 had much lower medical claims from 1988-1990. (2004). In 1985, Average annual claims increased from $1,155 to about $1,677. Medical claims also remained at approximately the same level for low risk employees, both in 1985 and 1988. But those who went from low risk to high risk in the same period saw an increase in their medical claims from about $655 to $1,513. Ten years into a 20-year study of Steelcase Inc, a conducted by the University of Michigan, the following results were evident high-risk employees who dropped to low-risk through participation in health and fitness programs at work decreased their average annual medical claims by 54 percent. In contrast, high-risk individuals who remained high-risk increased their costs by 26 percent. And low-risk employees who became high-risk increased their annual claims by 130 percent. To establish and continue with a corporate lifestyle that is consistent with wellness principles of wellness and well-being on a daily basis, is not an easy task . Most people who do not indulge in exercise and wellness activities say that they simply don’t have time to exercise. Indeed, various work-life surveys have shown that about 84. percent of employees in corporate organizations are in a constant struggle to maintain their fitness levels and their health. In 1999, a study on corporate wellness was carried out by the Lewin Group. This study confirmed that obesity among corporate employees greatly increases the risk of developing chronic heath conditions, and it was also discovered that about 22% of the working adult population have obesity related problems. Obesity and excess weight are directly responsible for 31% of health care costs in corporate America. The fifteen ailments involved in the study included breast cancer, arthritis, endometrial cancer, colorectal cancer, Type II diabetes, end stage renal disease, gall bladder disease, heart disease, hypertension, renal cell cancer, sleep apnea, liver disease, low back pain, urinary incontinence, and stroke. People with a BMI (Body Mass Index) that is above 35 are 6. 61 times more at risk of having Type II diabetes than people with a BMI that is less than 25. employees with high BMI are also 3. 77 percent more at risk of being hypertensive. Lifestyle related conditions are disorders that can be positively or negatively impacted by lifestyle behaviors such as eating habits, wellness checkups, exercise, safety habits, and alcohol and substance abuse. Other behaviors such as adherence to physician prescribed therapies and medication have a direct impact on outcomes and utilization. By practicing healthy lifestyle behaviors and adhering to prescribed plans of care, individuals can improve their health and decrease risk of illness, accident or injury. By doing so, related health care costs can be significantly reduced. Lifestyle Related Conditions also account for over 50% of health care related costs (CDC). Research indicates that early detection and/or practice of health promoting behavior can significantly decrease the severity of Lifestyle Related Conditions (hypertensives can be removed from medication, etc. ) or even prevent their occurrence (cancer, heart disease, etc. ). There are effective programs available that use the latest behavior change techniques that are designed to reduce risks and associated costs for illness, prevent illness, and help individuals develop patterns of behavior that enhance their health. It has also been found that one in every four Americans suffer from have high blood pressure but 35% are undiagnosed (AHA). Undiagnosed individuals sometimes end up in emergency situations or when diagnosed, their illness is at a more costly, critical stage like bone fracture, stroke, heart attack, late stage cancer, blindness, and so on. 50% of men and 33% of women are going to get cancer in their lifetime; and 2/3rds of the time it could have been prevented. Research indicates that approximately 13% of women and 9% of men fail to get the care they need.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Program, curriculum development and instructional strategies Essay Example for Free

Program, curriculum development and instructional strategies Essay I. Programs Bridges Learning System: This program uses five step processes involving submit, evaluate, outline, extend, success to develop the students aptitudes and talents that are very important in the classroom through evaluating test results and constructing a profile each student skills and abilities. By then, students’ necessities are known and a particular program will be developed for its learning exercises needs (Brock, 2003). Cognitively-Guided Instruction (CGI): This model is a product of research of students thinking that teachers able to restructure their knowledge and understanding to what the students need. This done through direct-modeling actions, reasoning to the problem, and moving to other strategies that are needed for the improvement of the students (Carpenter, 2003). Four Blocks Literacy: The four blocks represents four different approaches to directed comprehension, self-selected comprehension, inscription and working with terms. Through this students don’t just learn, at the same time they provided with the needed instruction according to the personality of the student. These blocks are multi-level depending on the performance and needs of the student (Cunningham, 1989). Spalding Method: This method is a total language arts approach in spelling, writing, listening and reading comprehensions. This approach is very effective to both regular and special education (Christie, 2000). II. Curriculum Development and Instructional Strategies. Cooperative Learning: Through optimistic interdependence, driven interaction, and personal responsibility, mutual efforts could be a useful tool to promote the groups’ objectives and success rather than viable and personal efforts (Stefl-Mabry Powers, 2005). Direct Instruction: Learning is hastened up through comprehensive presentations, ruling out misconceptions, and assisting generalizations. Students are properly monitored to evaluate the performance, periodically assessed for perceptions and immediately corrected for their errors (Oregon, 2003). Mastery Learning: Learning is centered on the methods of mastering rather than the content but it works best with the conventional substance-centered curriculum through distinct objectives and varieties of instructional techniques and suitable series of results (University, 2004). Modeling Instruction: This method of instruction is done through creating scientific models and providing primary theoretical apparatus for modeling intended to appreciate the physical world and to familiarize and develop the students’ insights on how scientific knowledge fits with the real world (Wells Hestenes, 2003). These programs, curriculum and instructional instructions are developed and evaluated by Arizona K-12 Center’s Technical Review Council and found to be effective in meeting the instructional and educational needs of diverse student population. References Brock, B. (2003). Bridges Learning Systems ® [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. nau. edu/bestpractices/recognizedprograms/. Carpenter, T. (2003). Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. Christie, B. (2000). Topic teamwork: A collaborative integrative model for increasing student-centered learning in grades K-12. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation Dance, 71(8), 28-32. Cunningham, P. (1989). Four Blocks Literacy [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. nau. edu/bestpractices/recognizedprograms/. Oregon, E. (2003). Direct Instruction [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. nau. edu/bestpractices/recognizedprograms/. Stefl-Mabry, J. , Powers, J. G. (2005). Collaborative, Problem-Based Learning: University and K-12 Partnerships. Knowledge Quest. ProQuest Education Journals, 33(4), 14-16. University, N. A. (2004). Instructional Strategies and Commercial Programs [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. nau. edu/bestpractices/recognizedprograms/. Wells, M. , Hestenes, M. (2003). Modeling Instruction [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. nau. edu/bestpractices/recognizedprograms/.

The Malaysian Egovernment Msc Flagship Application

The Malaysian Egovernment Msc Flagship Application My E.G Services Berhad is a concessionaire for the Malaysian E-Government MSC Flagship Application and plays the role as services provider for the E-Services component essentially provides the electronic link between the Government and citizens/businesses. Visit the MyEg ( web site and discuss on the plus and minus point of the website. Suggest your opinion on how to overcome the minus point that you have mention in question 1 to improve the MyEg services Table of content Introduction Governments in the region of the world are implementation electronic government. In every area of the world from upward countries to developed ones state and local governments are putting critical information online, automating once unwieldy processes and interacting electronically with their citizens. E-Government shortly known for electronic government, also known as e-gov, digital government, online government, or connected government is digital contact between a government and citizens (G2C), government and businesses/commerce/ecommerce (G2B), and between government agencies (G2G), Government-to-Religious Movements/Church (G2R), Government-to-Households (G2H). There digital communication consists of governance, information and communication technology (ICT), business process re-engineering (BPR), and e-citizen at all levels of government city, state/Provence, national, and international For question 1 it as is talk about My E.G Services Berhad is a concessionaire for the Malaysian E-Government MSC Flagship Application and plays the role as services provider for the E-Services component essentially provides the electronic link between the Government and citizens/businesses. It said to Visit the MyEg ( web site to find on the plus and minus point of the website. Furthermore question is discussed about how to overcome the minus point to mention in the question 1 to improve the MyEg services. Question 1 My E.G Services Berhad is a concessionaire for the Malaysian E-Government MSC Flagship Application and plays the role as services provider for the E-Services component essentially provides the electronic link between the Government and citizens/businesses. Visit the MyEg ( web site and discuss on the plus and minus point of the website. Explanation of question1 My E.G. Services Berhad My E.G. Services Berhad is a concessionaire for the Malaysian E-Government MSC Flagship Application. The task as a Service Provider for the E-Services factor basically provides the electronic link between the Government and citizens/businesses. Through the portal, it offers the Malaysian public a single point of contact between the Government and the citizens it serves. This portal enable Malaysians to energetically cooperate with various agencies within the Federal, State and the Local Government machinery providing services range from information searches to licence applications. To make available the services which involve physical incidence/interaction, MyEG has set up Approved Test Taking Sites located throughout the country. We believe that through this approach, we can develop the relationship and quality of interaction between the Government of Malaysia and its citizen. E Government Overview The Electronic Government scheme was launched to direct the country into the Information Age. It will improve how the government progress internally, as well as how it delivers services to the citizens of Malaysia. It seeks to develop the convenience, accessibility and value of relations within citizens and businesses. Furthermore, it makes develop information flows and processes within government to recover the speed and quality of policy development, organization and enforcement. To increase speed the objectives of Vision 2020, a pathway has already been defined through seven modern Flagship Applications. These applications are engineered to start the MSC scheme and create a multimedia heaven for inventive producers and users of multimedia technology. For local and foreign companies work with several government agencies to increase the socio-economic development of Malaysia. The Multimedia Super Corridor offers a Malaysian scheme for the Information Age. The Flagship Applications are: Electronic Government Multipurpose Card Smart School Telehealth RD Clusters E-Business Technopreneur Development E Government The visualization of Electronic Government is an idea for government, businesses and community working together for the advantage of Malaysia and all of its society. The visualization focuses on in effect and professionally delivering services from the government to the citizens of Malaysia enable the government to develop into more reactive to the needs of its citizens. The 7 pilot projects of the Electronic Government Flagship Application are as follows; Project Monitoring System (SPP II) Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) Generic Office Environment (GOE) Electronic Procurement (EP) Electronic Services (E-Services) Electronic Labour Exchange (ELX) E-Syariah Plus and minus point of the E Government website The My E.G. Services Berhad wants to give enhanced government service at less cost so it can be a better place to live and do business. Electronic government (e-government) is a great, forward-thinking way for business to do this. By using e-government, citizens and companies can more easily do business with My Government and get what they need to make smart, conversant decisions. A website does not reach the full population, but only the part of it that has access to the web. It is specially a difficulty in increasing countries, where access to the internet is still often limited to a very small part of the population. Websites should thus be consider as substitute means of communication, and traditional methods of exchanging information should also be offered and maintain, at least until they become unnecessary as was recently the case with the telegraph. To citizens More Convenience Every person expects more military services online. If don ´t want to wait in a online for an hour to expend five minutes at a counter. We can save the time and power by putting those service on the Internet. It don ´t have to ignore work to do during business government hours and can do business anytime have we want, anywhere. Better Customer Service The rarely require help with usual transactions. E-government lets agencies  focus on things that usually require help with. These include: Explaining complex policies   Translating English for people who don ´t speak it well Providing assistance for disabled or otherwise challenged people Providing up-to-date news. More Information Access Not all decision matter is made between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. during a weekday. If it is looking for a house, we may want information about an area during a weekend. E-government gives 24-hour access to this and other information. By using the Internet also makes decision the information easier. By using a usual look and feel, it can know where to find particular types of information on a Web page, such as contact information.   If have a question and you don ´t know which agency to ask, use the new and enhanced search function.   The search function will find state Web pages that have information about the question. It can look throughout just those Web sites to get the answers. To business Lower Costs E-government saves companies money. Whenever the human resources must drive to a government office or wait in a line, it loses dynamic time from them. Lost productivity is washed-out money. If the staffs need more than one trip, then each trip is spent money. Having services on the Internet gets relieve of the driving time and time spent waiting in a line.   To the state Decreased Cost State Web sites will be managed by a substance executive tool.   This tool will make easier to make changes on the agency Web pages.   It is in revolve, reduces the time and energy required to keep agency Web pages up-to-date. E-Government series also upgraded hardware and software required to create and update state Web sites.   It decrease licensing fees and increases the facility of the state to continue the Web sites.   Furthermore, E-Government series is providing a great Web tool to part the most universal agency.   It means that agencies no longer have to find their own answers to their online needs.   Improvement be done once when it is available to all agencies.   It reduces costs for the state and for the taxpayer. Agencies could have extra requirements to be meeting by the platform.  It provides the information and skills to generate applications.   An application is developed for one agency others will be able to use. It allocation reduces costs for the state and for the taxpayer. Increased Efficiency Online transactions are more rapidly than face-to-face transactions. Paper handing out is automatic, reducing time and the risk of religious errors. It allow state agencies to focus on provide better service for the customer. ( Question 2 2. Suggest your opinion on how to overcome the minus point that you have mention in question 1 to improve the MyEg services Explanation of question 2 To overcome the minus point that have mention in question 1 to improve the MyEg services is refer to many different plus and minus point things of the website. Therefore, be sure to found a obvious idea for My Eg services. The reason of government is to more the shared goals of a people. Consequently, commence the setting up of progression by establishing a broad vision of e-government that is shared by all stakeholders (citizens, businesses, officials, civil society groups and others). The wide idea should flow from the large goals or concerns of a people. Here are too many probable reasons and goals for e-government. However, there are wide categories of goals that are generally pursued by societies, including for example: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ improving services to citizens; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ improving the productivity (and efficiency) of government agencies; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ strengthening the legal system and law enforcement; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ promoting priority economic sectors; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ improving the quality of life for disadvantaged communities; and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ strengthening good governance and broadening public participation. Contained by each sort, different objectives might appear. It known this, each societys visualization is supposed to also be accompanied by a short list of main concern areas for the e-government program..A different people, however, strength focus its objective on increasing itself into the business hub in its county. Its e-government idea might then highlight facilitating commerce and services for businesses online. Possibly improving the investment regime or tax system could be priority sectors in this container How should plan and manage E-government. Efficient organization is essential for the success of e-government, as it is for all government or business operations. Individual able to distribute a project on time and within budget, manage effectively among government agencies and oversee private segment partners all depends on able management. Before moving forward with an e-government project, set up management mechanisms at both the national/state level and the project level. Consider establishing e-government teams within government. MyEg services initiatives classically involve large commitments of resources, planning and personnel. There are very complicated to control without defined teams to manage the e-government process from start to finish. For example, e-government activities within a area should be institutionalized to make sure long-term strength and support of the new standard. Such as teams must be provided enough budget, human resources and administrative support to carry out their duties. Ensure the project management team has sufficient authority. Without authority from political leaders, the officials responsible for e-government completion cannot ensure plans are carried out. Formal legal authority to oversee e-government implementation is also needed. Consider creating a central e-government agency within a ministry or as an independent body. Create teams responsible for project success at both the political level and project management level. Conclusion As a conclusion, first question on the assignment can be consider as easy to do and give us a lot of understanding because by finding about a concessionaire for the Malaysian E-Government MSC Flagship Application and discuss about the role of service provider for the E-Services and although it talk about to visit the MyEg website link to discuss on the plus and minus point of the website. The first question and second question provides many acknowledgements to the students because by doing the question, student is learning about that allows the user to login to the MyEg website to know more about this website like driving license renewal, auto insurance renewal, road tax renewal, road tax delivery status, LDL application, PDRM summon alert, TOPUP prepaid account, maid permit renewal and road tax receipt. By doing the assignment, students can realize E-government played an important role in technology world. For those that always support and help us in this assignment, we want to say thank you very much. ( (

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Aztec :: essays research papers

The Aztec The Aztec was a culture that dominated the Valley of Mexico in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. All the Nahua-speaking peoples in the Valley of Mexico were Aztecs, while the culture that dominated the area called the Tenochca. At the time of the European conquest, they called themselves either "Tenochca" or "Toltec," which was the name assumed by the bearers of the Classic Mesoamerican culture. Sadly, the many of the Aztec didn't survive after the arrival of the Europeans. But during the earlier years, the Aztec became one of the most advanced civilizations because of their religion, war, and agriculture. In the Aztec religion, they performed human sacrifices for the gods daily. Sacrifice was one of the main events in the Aztec religion. They believed that the people being sacrificed, were their messengers to the gods. In basic ceremonies, slaves or victims of war were used to sacrifice. But in more important ceremonies, people of higher rank, especially warriors, volunteered themselves. Since there were many gods, the sacrifice depended on what god they were worshiping. Sometimes, the death was drowning, burning, or beheading. In a coarse of a year, the death toll was about several thousands. Human sacrifices were offerings to the sun and earth so that food would grow. The Aztecs respected their gods very much. They put their greatest efforts into making strong, beautiful temples to please their gods. Their arts had a part in their religion. They drew pictures that told about their gods. They recorded religious events with hieroglyphics and even number symbols. The Aztecs worshipped about 1,000 gods! But they worshipped the sun god the most. Religious ceremonies took place in a temple called a teocalli. This temple had sacred pools for ceremonial cleansing, gardens, living quarters for a priest, and racks to hold the skulls of victims. Religion played a great part in Aztec life. Although religion was an important motivator in Aztec life, farming was the common activity. Much of Aztec life was built around farming, which was extremely necessary to keep up with the growing population. Since the land that the Aztecs farmed was not fertile enough to grow enough food to support the population, the Aztecs were forced to invent methods to increase productivity. These methods included irrigation, fertilizer, and even building terraces on hills that were previously not farmable. The truly original idea, however, was chinampas. Chinampas were floating gardens built on swamps.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Albert Camus :: essays research papers

Albert Camus was a French-Algerian novelist, essayist, dramatist, and journalist and a Nobel laureate. He was born in Algeria to a French father and Spanish mother. After his father was killed in WWI, he was raised in poverty by his grandmother and mother. He was forced to end his studies and limit his life in theatre as a playwright, director, and actor due to tuberculosis. He then turned his interest to politics and, after briefly being a member of the Communist party, he began a career in journalism in 1930. His articles reflected the suffering of the Arabs in Algeria. This led him to his dismissal of his newspaper job. Later, he worked in Paris for a newspaper and soon he became involved in Resistance movements against the Germans. He started writing an underground newspaper. Camus wrote many novels and his writings, illustrated his view of the absurdity of human existence: Humans are not absurd, and the world is not absurd, but for humans to be in the world is absurd. In his opi nion, humans cannot feel at home in the world because they yearn for order, clarity, meaning, and eternal life, while the world is chaotic, obscure, and indifferent and offers only suffering and death. Thus human beings are alienated from the world. Integrity and dignity require them to face and accept the human condition as it is and to find purely human solutions to their plight. He used a simple and clear but elegant form of writing to convey his ideas about morality, justice and love. In 1957, Camus received the Nobel price for literature. He was deeply troubled by the Algerian War of Independence and he immersed himself in the theatre and working on an autobiographical novel. He died in an automobile accident just before being named director of the national theater. The Theory of Existentialism Existentialism as a distinct philosophical and literary movement belongs to the 19th and 20th centuries. Although existentialism is impossible to define, some of its common themes can be identified. One of the major theme is the stress on concrete individual existence and, consequently, on subjectivity, individual freedom, and choice. 19th century Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, was the first writer to call himself existential. He wrote in his journal, "I must find a truth that is true for me . . . the idea for which I can live or die.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

It’s the End of the Worldand I Feel Fine Essay -- essays papers

It’s the End of the Worldand I Feel Fine It’s the End of the World†¦and I Feel Fine! (The role of intellectuals in the creation and justification of nuclear weapons.) In Fail Safe and Dr. Strangelove, Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, Sidney Lumet and Stanley Kubrick question the relationship between technology and humanity by emphasizing mankind’s tendency to create machines that cannot be adequately controlled. By blatantly revealing the absurdity of game theory (Mutual Assured Destruction as a reasonable deterrence for nuclear war), both directors call into question the dominant pro-Cold War American ideology. One of the most quintessential aspects of this ideology includes the drive for constant technological advance and strategic superiority. Without the brainpower of the scientists and intellectuals who dedicated their lives to the extension of technological power and the study of international conflict, the Arms Race would certainly not have been possible. These academics not only became the architects of atomic weapons but they were also faced with justifying the use of these nuclear bombs, and creating a th eoretical framework within which nuclear warfare might be appropriately (and rationally) conducted. Within this context, one noteworthy parallel between Fail Safe and Dr. Strangelove is the existence (in both films) of a single intellectual genius that actively perpetuates the â€Å"science† of nuclear advancement and strategy. Indeed, through the characterizations of Professor Groeteschele and Dr. Strangelove, both Lumet and Kubrick examine the prominent role of intellectuals (both scientists and theorists) in the creation and justification of nuclear warfare. Ultimately, both Lumet and Kubrick reveal the problems with relying solely on science and mathematics to resolve international conflict, thus suggesting that modern warfare requires a more humanistic, ethical definition of right and wrong. Both Fail Safe and Dr Strangelove serve as moralizing responses to the dominant American Cold War culture, rhetoric, and political policy. In his article titled â€Å"Dr. Strangelove (1964): Nightmare Comedy and the ideology of Liberal Consensus,† Charles Maland identi fies the dominant American cultural paradigm (during the Cold War) as â€Å"the Ideology of the Liberal Consensus.† Maland maintains that the Ideology of the ... ...ocosm of possible nuclear disasters, both directors choose to include a character that embodies the contemporary ‘nuclear intellectual.’ Indeed, scientists and theoreticians (like Groeteschele and Strangelove) played a prominent role in defining and perpetuating the new Cold War culture. These academics not only became the architects of nuclear bombs but they were also faced with creating a viable theoretical framework within which the use of these weapons would be both recommended and justified. However, both Kubrick and Lumet suggest that in order to apply their brilliance towards mass destruction and death, intellectuals must give up a portion of their humanity, becoming increasingly more like the devices they create and defend. The mutual catastrophes that occur in Fail Safe and Dr. Strangelove show the inevitability of human weakness and scientific fallibility. Through the development of Professor Groeteschele and Dr. Strangelove, both Lumet and Kubrick illustra te the catastrophic possibilities of relying solely on science and mathematics to resolve international conflicts. Ultimately, modern, high stake warfare requires a more humanistic, ethical code of right and wrong.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Rfid in Walmart Essay

In June 2003 Wal-Mart first announced its plan to implement RFID technology in its supply chain by January 2005; this caught many of the suppliers unawares. Though the plans envisaged compliance from the top 100 suppliers, around 129 suppliers jumped into the fray, afraid of being left behind in the race. RFID technology was invented in 1969 and patented in 1973; after thirty long years WalMart has demanded its implementation. Expectations are high, unfortunately RFID technology is still in its infant stage. In November 2003, Wal-Mart once again asserted its requirements. The following were explicitly spelt out: 1. What the EPC (Electronic Product Code) would be, 2. What class of chips they would accept, and 3. Which distribution centres would start accepting RFID deliveries. Much has happened since then. To its suppliers, Wal-Mart has spelt the requirement of 96-bit EPC with a Global Trade Identification number, which is an international standard. The tags are expected to operate in UHF spectrum (868 MHz to 956 MHz). The plan is to standardize the Class 1 Version 2 of the EPC specification [RFIDJournal. Com]. The EPC global, a joint venture between Uniform Code Council and EAN (European Article Number) International, is developing this particular standard. This tag will carry the 96-bit serial number and will be field-programmable. This will enable the suppliers to write serial numbers to the tags, when they apply the tags to the products. The EPC-compliant tags in UHF band consists of 1. EPC data format on 2. One of the existing communication protocols, Class1 or Class0 two main the parts: chip Note: Class0 and Class1 specifications differ. Class0 is a factory programmable tag while Class1 permits the end users to write a serial number on it. They are not interoperable. A multi-protocol reader is required to read both tags. The Class1 Version2 that is being pursued is expected to incorporate both specifications of Class0 and Class1. This Version2 will be a globally accepted protocol. As of now Wal-Mart is already tracking pallets and cases from suppliers coming to one distribution centre. The plan is to expand to other suppliers soon and roll out the technology regionally across the US . By the end of this year, the intention is to track all pallets, and cases of all products from the top 100 US suppliers, and by late 2006, from all US suppliers. Wal-Mart will then begin rolling the technology out internationally. The increased demand has already set Manhattan Associates working on new software that will allow companies to plug RFID technology to warehouse management system, on all platforms. Wal-Mart dreams of achieving a great RFID enabled, fool proof, error free, transparent supply chain. To this end, RFID readers are being installed at distribution centres and stores and buying equipment for printing tags. The expense of investments in new technology every year will be covered in the normal capital budget Why WalMart is adopting RFID? The application of RFID deeper into retail operations than case or pallet-level tracking is not really an Asset Protection driven proposal. The ability to better track SKU level items, smooth out merchandise flow, and prevent out-of-stocks while eliminating non-productive, profit-draining overstock situations is a main tenant of retail. The better Walmart, or anyone can get at doing that, the more control they have in their merchandise investment and the more profit can be squeezed from each dollar invested. With improved profit to investment ratios along with cost-controlling measures such as improved productivity for store level associates, a company can use the gain to pass on in savings to their customers, which is the real secret to success. Asset protection will benefit from the improved operations as well. Shrink is unaccounted for invested dollars. A retailer invests in merchandise to sell and somewhere along the trail from factory to store it is lost, sometimes physically, sometimes in the handling and accounting process. The ability to quickly verify actual quantities of items in a store not only enables the retailer to replenish the stock at the right rate of sale, it also eliminates countless hours of searching for the products in backrooms, overstock boxes, risers and any number of other places merchandise finds to hide in a store. When the count is exact as the product is received, matches the invoice with precision, and is then accurately tracked until it is sold, shrink can theoretically become just a bad memory. There is still theft to consider, however RFID offers some improvements in that respect as well. The key is real-time knowledge of the status of key merchandise. Associates can react to missing one item, instead of hundreds or thousands of dollars worth, before they know there is a problem. Concerns have been expressed over privacy and tags could be used to identify concealed items, but that is not the path to success. If you wait to react to a theft, you still must deal with the situation and there are several pitfalls in apprehending shoplifters and processing internal theft situations. So the bottom line is that it is about immediately identifying loss and taking active measures to prevent further loss. To those expressing concern over the proliferation of technology like RFID in retail, the challenge is to keep the concerns on a productive level. Retailers are not motivated by big brother-like intentions. They are striving to become as efficient as possible in their operation to shave off every non-productive penny invested. It is how they can beat their competition in pricing giving the consumer the benefit of lower prices and the shareholders the benefit of improved profits. There are real concerns relative to unintended consequences of the misuse of technology. Creating a â€Å"personalized customer profile† is a tempting marketing strategy. Imagine knowing exactly what every customer who comes in the doors wants to buy, maybe even before they do. Questions of privacy must be addressed openly and a retailer must make efforts to prevent the misuse of data. This new era is where the professional retail LP leader can make a significant contribution. One day, cash registers may be obsolete. Currency could be exchanged virtually and attached directly to people through some kind of biometric authorization. The role of the LP professional will look much different when that day arrives. Getting from where we are to that point will be an interesting ride. WalMart and RFID: The Test Phase From initial experiences of roll out of EPC in select distribution warehouses and stores, there is confidence that the concept will be a long-term success. Experiments with various tag types and tag placements are underway to see how they impact readability on various products in a non-laboratory environment. Goods shipped to the stores with RFID tags are recorded once at their arrival . By simply waving the scanner at the boxes they are able to know what is inside without having to open anything. Even before the arrival it is possible to know where everything is, which helps to reduce loss during shipment. The tags are read again before they are brought to the sales floor , no reader is installed at the sales point, though. They are read finally at a box crusher after all the items in the case have been put on the store shelves. Their software monitors the different items sold to the customers and the number of cases brought to the sales floor. This generates the information – which items will soon be depleted from the shelves? Automatically, almost instantly, a list is generated of items that need to be picked from the backroom to replenish the store shelves. To reduce the amount of time spent at the backroom Wal-Mart has developed a handheld RFID reader. This acts as a kind of Geiger counter that beeps when a worker gets close to the item he or she needs to pick. It is intended to initially provide this in the original seven stores and then deploy them in rest of the 140 stores in a phased manner during the year. Wal-Mart has also established a retail link extranet with all its suppliers. This enables them to share data from all RFID read points with their suppliers. When a case is brought out to the sales floor, the status reads ~Q being put on the shelves’ , when at the trash compactor the status changes to ~Q on shelf’ . Thus within 30 minutes the suppliers get updated on the movement and location of their goods. Suppliers are also learning how to match tags with products and where to place tags for optimum readability. This initial experience will keep them ahead of their competitors.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Writing Proficiency

Abstract The present study investigated the sentence-level errors of freshmen students at three proficiency levels and the aspects of writing that raters focused on while rating the essays. It views errors as valuable information for the following: For teachers, as it clues them on students’ progress; for researchers as it gives them valuable data as to how language is acquired or learned; for learners, as it enables them to reflect on their learning.The data for the present study is based on the data collected for a previous study. One hundred fifty essays written by freshmen college students on their first week of classes in five private schools in Metro Manila (30 for each participating school) were collected, word-processed, and subjected to rating and coding or errors. Most of the findings of the present study corroborate the findings of previous studies on error analysis and essay evaluation—that sentence-level errors have a significant role in essay scores.The ra ters still have the grammar accuracy model when checking essays, although it is just considered secondary to other aspects of writing such as the ability to address the prompt and organize the ideas logically. Introduction Areas of Writing Research Writing teachers and researchers have always set their teaching and research lenses on the variables that describe successful second language writing vis-a-vis unsuccessful writing.Because of this preoccupation, a plethora of research has been undertaken as regards the role of L1 in L2 Writing (Cumming, 1990; Krapels, 1991), L2 writers’ characteristics and proficiency (Hirose & Sasaki, 1994; Victori, 1999; Deane et al, 2008), L2 writing process/strategies (Arndt, 1987; Becker, 2003), L2 writing feedback/evaluation (Ferris, 1995, 1997, 2002, 2003; Goldstein, 2001, 2005) L2 writing instruction (Zhang & Zhou, 2002; Liu, 2003; Chen, 2005; Coombe & Barlow, 2004) and L2 writer’s texts (Zhang, 1997; Hinkel, 1997; Hirose, 2003).In t he analysis of L2 writers’ texts, researchers focus on the rhetorical and linguistic features that impact essay scores in different linguistic backgrounds (Becker, 2010; Gustilo, 2011). These studies are significant in that they help us in understanding the complex factors that underlie proficient and less proficient writing. Emphasis on Essay Evaluation In assessing essays, what do raters consider as more proficient and less proficient writing? Studies have established that factors such as content, rhetorical strategy or linguistic (grammar, spelling, vocabulary) and non-linguistic features (organization, style, content, etc. can separate less proficient and more proficient writing. These factors, however, are weighed differently by raters depending on their background and experience (Kobayashi, n. d. ; Weltig, n. d. , Cumming et al. , 2002). According to Weltig, ESL (English as second language), EFL (English as foreign language), and ENL (English as native language) raters weigh the aspects of writing differently. On the one hand, the ENL raters put more thrust on the non-language aspects (grammar and mechanics) and consider language-related issues as secondary in judging essays.On the other, ESL and EFL raters focus more on language erro Error Analysis As a corollary to this emphasis on essay evaluation, there is no wonder why almost inextricable in the analysis of L2 texts is the focus on errors that learners make in relation to their writing performance (Sarfraz, 2011; Sattayatham & Honsa, 2007; Kitao & Kitao, 2000). Previous studies have indicated that errors do significantly affect raters’ evaluation of the overall quality of essays. For instance, Sweedler-Brown (1993) attributed the low scores of L2 essays for the original than for the corrected essays to sentence-level errors.Kobayashi and Rinnert (1993) found that the same essays gained higher overall holistic scores when the errors were corrected. Kobayashi (n. d. ) also found that lan guage use errors and coherence breaks influenced the English teachers’ (both native speaker and Japanese teachers) judgment in terms of content and clarity but not the Japanese university students’ judgments. The error-free essays were praised as very good, but the error-laden essays were penalized with low scores. Terms and Definitions of Errors Making errors is one of the most unavoidable things in the orld. In language acquisition, learning, and teaching, error has been referred to and has been defined in many ways. Catalan (n. d. ) reviewed the terms and definitions of error in Error Studies and consolidated these definitions using the communicative event framework (addresser; addressee; code, norm, and message; and setting). From the perspective of norm or well-formedness of a sentence, error is regarded as â€Å"an infringement or deviation of the code of the formal system of communication through which the message is conveyed† (Catalan, n. . p. 66). Dulay , Burt, and Krashen (1982 p. 139 as cited in Catalan ) corroborates this definition by saying that error is the â€Å"flawed side of learner speech or writing that deviates from selected norm of mature language performance† (p. 7). Errors are alterations of the rules of the accepted norm and are termed as surface errors which may be further classified as omission errors, addition errors, misformation errors, wrong order, spelling error, systems error, and the like.Also the terms overt and covert errors (Corder, 1973, Faerch, 1984, & Medges, 1989 as cited in Catalan, n. d. ) may be added in the list. The former refers to errors that are not observable within the surface but implied in the message, and the latter refers to those that are clearly identifiable in the surface (Catalan n. d. , p. 8). Benefits of Error Analysis Error Analysis (EA) is concerned with the analyses of the errors made by L2 learners by comparing the learners’ acquired norms with the target languag e norms and explaining the identified errors ( James, 1998).Stephen Pit Corder’s (1967) seminal work â€Å"The Significance of Learner’s Errors† has given EA a significant turn in that it views errors as valuable information for three beneficiaries: for teachers, it clues them on the progress of the students; for researchers, it provides evidence as to how language is acquired or learned; for learners themselves, it gives them resources in order to learn (Corder, 1967 as cited in Maicusi, Maicusi, & Lopez, 2000, p. 170).With this approach errors are regarded as resources for learning and teaching rather than as â€Å"flaws† which connote failure in the acquisition process and ,therefore, needs to be eradicated. Despite the criticisms against EA such as complete reliance on errors per se and not seeing the whole picture of the learners’ linguistic behaviour by looking also at the nonerrors (Gass & Selinker, 1994; Maicusi, Maicusi, & Lopez, 2000), EA has contributed comprehensively to Second Language Acquisition Theory and second language writing instruction. Aim of the Study The present study aims at investigating the sentence-level rrors of freshmen students at three proficiency levels and the aspects of writing that raters focus on while rating the essays. Specifically, the present study aims at providing answers to the following research questions: 1. Do writers with higher levels of writing proficiency commit the same errors that low proficiency writers do? 2. Are there significant differences in the frequency of errors committed by low, mid, and high proficient writers? 3. Which of these errors significantly decrease essay scores? 4. What aspects of writing that affect essay scores did the raters focus on while rating the essays?Method The Essays The data for the present study is based on the data collected for a previous study. One hundred fifty essays written by freshmen college students on their first week of classes i n five private schools in Metro Manila (30 for each participating school) were collected, wordprocessed, and subjected to rating and coding or errors. Rating Three independent raters who are trained ESL teachers rated the essays using a holistic scale patterned after the TOEFL writing section and SAT scoring guides (Gustilo, 2011). Kendall’s Tau coefficient of concordance (. 71, p

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Immanuel Kant Metaphysics of Morals Essay

Kant argued that moral requirements are based on a standard of rationality he dubbed the â€Å"Categorical Imperative† (CI). Immorality thus involves a violation of the CI and is thereby irrational. This argument was based on his striking doctrine that a rational will must be regarded as autonomous, or free in the sense of being the author of the law that binds it. The fundamental principle of morality ? the CI ? is none other than this law of an autonomous will. Thus, at the heart of Kant’s moral philosophy is a conception of reason whose reach in practical affairs goes well beyond that of a Humean ?slave’ to the passions. Moreover, it is the presence of this self-governing reason in each person that Kant thought offered decisive grounds for viewing each as possessed of equal worth and deserving of equal respect. In Kant’s terms, a good will is a will whose decisions are wholly determined by moral demands or as he refers to this, by the Moral Law Kant’s analysis of commonsense ideas begins with the thought that the only thing good without qualification is a ? good will’. While the phrases ? he’s good hearted’, ? she’s good natured’ and ? she means well’ are common, ? the good will’ as Kant thinks of it is not the same as any of these ordinary notions. The idea of a good will is closer to the idea of a ? good person’, or, more archaically, a ? person of good will’ The basic idea is that what makes a good person good is his possession of a will that is in a certain way ? determined’ by, or makes its decisions on the basis of, the moral law The idea of a good will is supposed to be the idea of one who only makes decisions that she holds to be morally worthy, taking moral considerations in themselves to be conclusive reasons for guiding her behavior. This sort of disposition or character is something we all highly value. Kant believes we value it without limitation or qualification. First, unlike anything else, there is no conceivable circumstance in which we regard our own moral goodness as worth forfeiting simply in order to obtain some desirable object Second, as a consequence, possessing and maintaining one’s moral goodness is the very condition under which anything else is worth having or pursuing. Intelligence and even pleasure are worth having only on the condition that they do not require giving up a commitment to honor one’s fundamental moral convictions In Kant’s terms, a good will is a will whose decisions are wholly determined by moral demands or as he refers to this, by the Moral Law A holy ordivine will, if it exists, though good, would not be good because it is motivated by thoughts of duty. argues that a dutiful action from any of these motives, however praiseworthy it may be, does not express a good will and other outcomes of lawful behavior. Indeed, we respect these laws to the degree, but only to the degree, that they do not violate values, laws or principles we hold more dear. Yet Kant thinks in acting from duty that we are not at all motivated by a prospective outcome or some other extrinsic feature of our conduct. We are motivated by the mere conformity of our will to law as such Kant holds that the fundamental principle at the basis of all of our moral duties is a categoricalimperative. It is an imperative because it is a command (e. g. , â€Å"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.†) More precisely, it commands us to exercise our wills in a particular way, not to perform some action or other. It is categorical in virtue of applying to us unconditionally, or simply because we possesses rational wills, without reference to any ends that we might or might not have. It does not, in other words, apply to us on the condition that we have antecedently adopted some goal for ourselves. Kant’s first formulation of the CI states that you are to â€Å"act only in accordance with that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it become a universal law. † First, formulate a maxim that enshrines your reason for acting as you propose. Second, recast that maxim as a universal law of nature governing all rational agents, and so as holding that all must, by natural law, act as you yourself propose to act in these circumstances. Third, consider whether your maxim is even conceivable in a world governed by this law of nature. If it is, then, fourth, ask yourself whether you would, or could, rationally will to act on your maxim in such a world. If you could, then your action is morally permissible. Kant held that ordinary moral thought recognized moral duties toward ourselves as well as toward others. Hence, together with the distinction between perfect and imperfect duties, we recognize four categories of duties: perfect duties toward ourselves, perfect duties toward others, imperfect duties toward ourselves and imperfect duties toward others Kant’s example of a perfect duty to others concerns a promise you might consider making but have no intention of keeping in order to get needed money At the heart of Kant’s moral theory is the position that rational human wills are.

The Bribary Scandal at Siemens Ag

For example, I am quite familiar with the ways business is done is Russia and I can assure you that bribing cases are very common there, with number of them being literally unavoidable. As for the case with bribing Wilhelm Seychelles, the chairman of the AUP labor union, I think it was completely unnecessary for such a big and respected company like Siemens to do that. Such bribing is certainly avoidable and It Is not worth for the company to risk It's reputation.In my opinion, It should be a concern of governments to prevent such actions and create mechanisms hat make any types of bribing activities Impossible, especially In companies In which the state owns a controlling stake. 2. I think if a company has a respected name in the field, offers competitive prices and meets all qualifications to win a contract, then it has couple of options to do so without bribing: a. Status off well-known and respected company gives it an ability to contact the government officials and local analogu e of U. S.Securities and Exchange Commission beforehand and ask to monitor the process of tendering. B. If the contract is for a large amount of money and, maybe, socially important, it might e a good Idea to attract the media to the deal. I believe these two options would scare away any company managers who are Intended to benefit from bribing. However, If the company Is In the situation when somebody demands money in return for a contract, it should immediately notify an appropriate agency and provide sufficient evidence in order for the officials to impose punitive sanctions against a breaking company. . In my opinion, the board made a right decision in not extending Killdeer's term. Even though Killed was not implicated in the scandal directly, l, honestly, hardly live that he, as the CEO of Siemens GAG, was unaware of the unlawful actions that had taken place within the company, since the amounts spent on the ‘consulting services' (Ð ²?420 million) seem to be too large n ot to notice them, or at least questionable.The practice of bribing for contracts might have been common at Siemens before and was Inherited by Killed from former CEO, Heimlich von Peeler. This practice doubled with Killdeer's aggressive, American style of management could have been reasons why Siemens GAG performed so well in the last few years roll to ten scandal. I also Delve Tanat whenever Clientele 010, It was Tort ten Detente of the company.After Killdeer's departure, considering how successfully he managed the company, it is most likely that Siemens' rate of growth and value of its shares will drop. If it wasn't for the bribery scandals, Killed could have much more work done for the company benefit over the following years. 4. As I could tell from the case and from my own experience, there are many companies that give money or gifts in exchange for contracts or some sort of favors. Siemens is not the only company accused of bribery.The enormous amounts Siemens spent on bribin g government officials and companies' managers probably led the investigations to begin. There are number of Siemens' competitors who were not as wealthy, and, as a consequence, couldn't get the same contracts, even though they might have been more qualified. My assumption is that the Siemens' competitors, angry about such injustice, could have been initiators of the investigations, which revealed the cases of bribing. Generally, I think Siemens was just unfortunate to get caught.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Advantages of Discovery Learning

Advantages of Discovery Learning Jump to: Advantages of Discovery Learning Discovery learning was first put into writing by Jerome Bruner in the 1970’s. In part II of his book titled â€Å"The Quest for Clarity†, Bruner discusses his views on â€Å"the Act of Discovery†. Bruner states his belief that to successfully educate, the educator must first assess what is already known. In this essay Bruner summarizes the basic principles of discovery learning, their benefits, its process, and a set of experiments that Bruner used which according to him, proved his theory. This essay will use research that supports Bruner’s theory in an attempt to prove that discovery learning is more effective than direct instruction and explain how educators should teach in result of the research. What is discovery learning? Discovery learning is an approach to learning that can be facilitated by specific teaching methods and guided learning strategies. For this essay the term discovery learning will refer to learning that takes place within in the individual, the teaching and instructional strategies designed by the teacher, and the environment created when these strategies are used. Direct or traditional instruction are strategies used in teacher led classrooms, including lectures, drill and practice, and expository learning. Bicknell, Holmes, and Hoffman (2000) describe the three main attributes of discovery learning as 1) exploring and problem solving to create, integrate, and generalize knowledge, 2) student driven, interest based activities in which student determines the sequence and frequency, and 3) activities to encourage integration of new knowledge into the learner’s existing knowledge base. The first attribute to discovery learning is a very important one. By exploring problems, and coming up with their own solutions, student’s are taking an active role in creating integrating, and generalizing knowledge. Student’s are not passively taking in information , as they would during a lecture, but are coming up with broad applications for skills by taking risks, solving problems, and examining unique, but useful experiences (Bicknell-Holmes & Hoffman, 2000). This attribute of discovery learning dramatically changes the role of students and teachers, which some traditional teachers find hard to accept. The second attribute of discovery learning is that it encourages students to learn at their own pace (Bicknell-Holmes & Hoffman, 2000). This attribute allow students learning to progress freely as the student is ready to learn new material. Students must obtain a high level of motivation and take ownership in their learning for this attribute to be met. The third major attribute of discovery learning is that it is based on the principle of using existing knowledge as a basis to build new knowledge (Bicknell-Holmes & Hoffman, 2000). Students must be encouraged and provided with knowledge they already know to extend this knowledge and build ne w ideas. A good example of this is when students discover how to multiply a three digit number by a three digit number, by using their knowledge of multiplying a two digit number by a two digit number. The student would build on what they know about multiplication to come up with a new way of multiplying three digits by three digits.